Free Revocation of Power of Attorney

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Revocation of Power of Attorney


Your Revocation of Power of Attorney

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THIS DEED OF REVOCATION is made on the ________ day of ________________, ________ by me, _________________________ of _________________________

  1. Revocation

    I revoke the Power of Attorney (the "Instrument") dated on the 11th day of March, 2025 in which I appointed _________________________ of _________________________ to be my attorney for the purpose of the Powers of Attorney Act 1971 Section 10.
  2. Declaration

    I declare that all powers and authority conferred by the Instrument are now revoked and withdrawn by me as of this ________ day of ________________, ________.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ________ day of ________________, ________.

in the presence of:

Signature of Witness: _______________________________
Full Name of Witness: ______________________________
Address: ______________________________________


Instructions for Executing Your Revocation

Before signing your Deed of Revocation, ensure that you have read it and understand it.

To be valid, you must sign the document using your normal cheque signing signature. The signing must occur in the presence of your witnesses.

After you have signed your document in front of your witnesses, your witnesses must sign the document in your presence.

Remember that your witnesses cannot be your spouse, partner, child, your attorney or alternate attorney, or the spouse of your attorney or alternate attorney. Some jurisdictions disallow witnesses that are mentioned in your will, either as beneficiary or executor/executrix. You should generally avoid having witnesses that have any financial relationship with you. The witnesses must be of legal age in your jurisdiction and they must be mentally capable.

Effecting Your Revocation

To ensure that your revocation is effective, you must give actual notice of your revocation. This means that the written revocation must be received by the attorney and any third party affected by the power of attorney (e.g. financial institutions, land registries, and individuals). It is therefore insufficient to simply mail out your revocation and assume it has been received. You must be certain that all relevant parties have actually received the revocation - double-registered mail or personal delivery may be the best option. Furthermore, if your power of attorney gave authority over real estate, it is best to register your revocation with a legal description of the property in the land register where the property is located.

Ask your attorney to return all of his/her copies of the power of attorney. Mark the words "Revoked" on each copy to ensure that they cannot be used again.

Related Documents

  • Power of Attorney: Appoint someone to make legal, financial, or personal decisions on your behalf.
  • Health Care Directive: Outline your medical preferences for health care professionals to reference when you're incapacitated.
  • Last Will and Testament: Plan what happens to your assets, debts, properties, and possessions when you pass away.
  • : Make a plan for funeral arrangements and what to do with your remains when you die.
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Deed of Revocation

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